Saturday, February 14, 2009

Secret Service: Hidden Systems That Deliver Unforgettable Customer Service

I just cracked Secret Service: Hidden Systems That Deliver Unforgettable Customer Service, by John R. DiJulius a couple of days ago.

I'm in the B2B sales field so I'm always looking for methods to get a leg up on my competition. Besides, who doesn't want to be part of amazing customer service, whether we're providing it or receiving it?

I've read several interesting rants relating crappy customer service lately. Some of the experiences are doozies (great word....highly underutilized, no?). While reading those customer service horror stories fill us with righteous indignation, I'm more interested in how I can contribute to the culture of amazing customer service in our economy.

I'll let you know my judgments on this book when I finish it. Until then, I'm interested in hearing your experiences of great customer service. Has a business gone out of it's way lately to make you feel valued? Do tell!


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